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    Merck 107599 Rhodamine B (C.I.45170)

Merck 107599 Rhodamine B (C.I.45170) 25 Gr

Katalog No: 107599.0025

Marka: Merck

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Merck 107599 Rhodamine B (C.I.45170) for microscopy

Synonyms: Tetraethylrhodamine, Brilliant pink B

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Merck 107599 Rhodamine B (C.I.45170) for microscopy



Katalog Numarası107599
Eş anlamlıTetraethylrhodamine, Brilliant pink B
AçıklamaRhodamine B (C.I.45170)
Genel BakışRhodamine B (C.I. 45170) for microscopy, is a solid dye for fluorescence AFB staining of bacteriological smears and histological tissue sections of human origin.The mechanism is a non-specific binding of fluorescence dye on a substrate, similar to the classical Ziehl-Neelsen method, although the heating of the Rhodamine B color solution can be avoided. The dye is a CE certified IVD product and has a constant dye content and a reliable high quality, which is one of the major precondition for a reproducible diagnostic staining. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU). The IFU can be downloaded from this webpage.


Ürün Bilgisi
CAS Numarası81-88-9
EC Numarası201-383-9
Tepe FormülüC₂₈H₃₁ClN₂O₃
Molar Kütle479.01 g/mol
HS Kodu3212 90 00
Structure formula ImageMDA_CHEM_107599
Quality LevelMQ400


Fizikokimyasal Bilgiler
Yoğunluk0.79 g/cm3
Erime Noktası172 - 176 °C
pH Değeri3 - 4 (10 g/l, H₂O, 20 °C)
Kütle yoğunluğu250 kg/m3
Çözünürlük15 g/l


Dye content (spectrophotometrically)≥ 90 %
Özdeşlik (UV/VIS-Spectrum)Testi geçer
Absorption maximum λ max (ethanol 50 %)550 - 552 nm
Spec. Absorptivity A 1%/1cm (λmax; 0.003 g/l; ethanol 50 %)2115 - 2350
TLC-TestTesti geçer
Loss on drying (110 °C)≤ 5 %
Suitability for microscopyTesti geçer

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