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    Merck 104302 Hematoxylin cryst. (C.I. 75290)

Merck 104302 Hematoxylin cryst. (C.I. 75290) 25 Gr

Katalog No: 104302.0025

Marka: Merck

8.755,20 ₺
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Merck 104302 Hematoxylin cryst. (C.I. 75290) for microscopy

CAS #: 517-28-2

EC Numarası: 208-237-3

Molar Kütle: 302.28 g/mol

Tepe Formülü: C₁₆H₁₄O₆

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Merck 104302 Hematoxylin cryst. (C.I. 75290) for microscopy


Temel Özellikler Tablosu

CAS #EC NumarasıTepe FormülüMolar Kütle
517-28-2208-237-3C₁₆H₁₄O₆302.28 g/mol


Katalog Numarası104302
AçıklamaHematoxylin cryst. (C.I. 75290)
Genel BakışHematoxylin cryst., is a dye for the specific staining of DNA in the nuclei. It is used in cytology and histology. Nuclei are stained blue, dark violet to black. Hematoxylins are mixed with trivalent positively charged metal salts and build up the so-called hematoxylin lakes, used for the selective staining of nuclei (DNA) .
It is an IVD registered product and CE certified, thus can be used for clinical diagnostic purposes. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU).


Ürün Bilgisi
CAS Numarası517-28-2
EC Numarası208-237-3
Tepe FormülüC₁₆H₁₄O₆
Molar Kütle302.28 g/mol
HS Kodu3212 90 00
Structure formula ImageMDA_CHEM_104302
Quality LevelMQ400


Fizikokimyasal Bilgiler
Erime Noktası>=267 °C Elimination of water of crystallisation
Buhar basıncı<0.1 hPa (25 °C)
Kütle yoğunluğu500 kg/m3



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