Merck 107228 Buffered Peptone Water

Katalog No: 107228.0500

Marka: Merck

1.869,60 ₺
Vergi dahil 2-7 Gün içinde teslim edilir.

Merck 107228 Buffered Peptone Water acc. ISO 6579, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, ISO 6887, FDA-BAM and EP GranuCult®

ph Value: 7.2 (25 g/l, H₂O, 37 °C) (after autoclaving)

Çözünürlük: 25.5 g/l


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Merck 107228 Buffered Peptone Water acc. ISO 6579, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, ISO 6887, FDA-BAM and EP GranuCult®


Katalog Numarası107228
Replaces1072285007; 1.07228
Genel BakışGranuCult™ is our new brand name for our existing granulated dehydrated culture media which apply to new EN ISO 11133:2014 and various other ISO standards and FDA-BAM / USDA-FSIS methods for testing of food and water samples. All these media are currently being updated to be fully compliant to the latest version of these standards and regulations with respect to composition and quality control and will be available shortly.


Ürün Bilgisi
HS Kodu3821 00 00
Quality LevelMQ200


Fizikokimyasal Bilgiler
pH Değeri7.2 (25 g/l, H₂O, 37 °C) (after autoclaving)
Kütle yoğunluğu800 kg/m3
Çözünürlük25.5 g/l



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